
Tia Ko Be Bug

Monday, July 18, 2011

to dad 7/16/2011

So I got a new calling and I am now the assistant to the president. Because of that I dont get pdays anymore. haha but I get to email you, just when I get time though. So also because I am working at the office I have to use the computers here, but for some reason my yahoo mail doesnt work on these computers, so I made a new gmail accout. Well this is it. Thanks for sending the card. The package came all in one piece. Nothing was stolen from it or anything. I really liked the almonds that you sent. Man they were good. They are actually all gone, ha I already ate them all. So mom told me that I have to take some money off the new card to buy shirts, so I will take the 50 dollars off and see what I can find. I think I might go ahead and start finding you all some cool souvineers instead though. So guess what. Now that I am ap I get to drive the car!!!! WOOO and also it is a stick, Not so WOOO. Haha but I am learning how to drive it now. My companion is really cool. His name is Elder ******, and he has a ton of patience and is teaching me how to drive. So that is good. Maybe this means that when I get back you will let me drive your truck........ huh huh.... just think about it ok. Haha so did Elder ****** ever email you? What did he say? Haha he is a cool kid. I really got along with him good. Things are pretty hard here in the office. Right now we are working in the office and also in my old area as well. Haha we are pretty much doing double the work in half the time. But that is ok, I enjoy it so far. ******** wants to take a trip and drive down to Ft Dauphin and visit the missionaries down there. Normally you have to fly to get down there, but we are going to drive. I am so excited. That is where all of the big Baobabs are. Man ******* and his wife are soooo cool. They are the nicest people I know. They are so thoughtful of all the missionaries and try so hard to be able to help us all. I am so thankful for all that they are dong for us. I never really realized how hard they work for us, but now that I am in the office I see just how much they really do.
So I am kinda leaning to Weber more too right now. Alot of guys I know are going there, and the goal is to eventually get into the U. But if it is closer to where the job is, I think that that would be the smarter choice. I hear that gas is just crazy high. We took some of the dying missionaries to the airport, and it was wierd seeing them go. It reminded me how close it is until I am going to be going. I miss you all a ton though. I will let you know when I finally get the hang of driving the stick though.
Love ya,
Elder Madsen

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