
Tia Ko Be Bug

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Officially an Elder

We have been to the Stake President's office and Bug was officially made an Elder tonight. What a great experience and we are all so happy and proud of him. He is ready to go with bags packed and the Spirit oozing from every pore in his body. He is such an inspiration to have as a son. Watch out Madagascar, you are in for a real treat and a ton of fun!!!!!!

Mandrakisay Ny Fianakaviantsika
(Families are Fovever)

PS.. a special thank you to all that have shown support and love and prayers, we are so grateful to you all.

A friend of mine left a plaque for me today that I would like to share as it touched my heart:

A missionary leaves his family for two years so that the ones he teaches can be with their families forever.
(thank you Lori)

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